_____________________ | _Aneurin BASSETT ________| | m 1887 | | |_____________________ | | |--Thomas BASSETT | (1893 - ....) | _Joseph MIDDLEBY ____+ | | (1846 - 1913) m 1867 |_Margaret Anne MIDDLEBY _| m 1887 | |_Adelaide DUNLOP ____+ (1852 - 1931) m 1867
[94] Birth Reg No.16405
[274] Reg No. 5941
Extract of the Will for John Henry Brown.
THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me JOHN HENRY BROWN of Hamilton in the State of New South Wales, Carpenter. I DIRECT the payment of all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses. I GIVE AND DEVISE my house and land situate in James Street Hamilton and known as Number 44 to my wife SOPHIA BROWN for her life. After her death I DIRECT that the said property shall be sold either by public auction or private contract. I GIVE AND BEQUEATH one equal half share of the net proceeds of such sale to my son NEIL BROWN absolutely. I GIVE AND BEQUEATH the income of the other one half share of such proceeds to my son RAYNOR GORDON BROWN for his life. After his death I GIVE AND BEQUEATH such one half share of the said proceeds to the children of the said Raynor Gordon Brown living at his death absolutely share and share alike. I GIVE AND BEQUEATH my prpoerty in Cole Street Islington and known as Number one to my son NEIL BROWN absolutely. I GIVE AND BEQUEATH my other property in Cole Street Islington and known as number three to my son the said RAYNOR GORDON BROWN for his life. After his death I DIRECT that such property sahll be sold by my Executors either by public auction or private contract and the proceeds thereof divided equally between the children of the said Raynor Gordon Brown living at his death share and share alike. I DE-
Leslie L. Warland.
Sydney S. Mitchell. J.H. Brown.
VISE AND BEQUEATH all the rest and residue of my estate to my son NEIL BROWN absolutely. I APPOINT JAMES DANIEL REID of Newcastle Solicitor and DR. COLLIER of Newcastle Medical Practitioner to be the Executors and trustees of this my Will. LASTLY I hereby revoke all former Wills and testamentary dispositions. AS WITNESS my hand at Hamilton this twenty first day of December One Thousand nine hundred and thirty one.
Testator as and for his last Will )
and Testament in the presence of us )
present at the same time who at his ) J. H. Brown
request in his presence and in the )
presence of each other have hereunto )
subscribed our names as Witnesses: )
Leslie L. Warland,
Sydney S. Mitchell,
Articled Law Clerk,
[232] Marraige Reg No.7356
[272] Reg No. 10023