_Robert DUNLOP ______ | (1819 - ....) _Joseph DUNLOP ______| | (1837 - ....) m 1875| | |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ | (1817 - 1867) | |--Robert DUNLOP | (1886 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Eliza LAMBERT ______| m 1875 | |_____________________
[59] Father then a Labourer of Tarro
__ | _Lott MANNIX ________| | (1812 - 1873) | | |__ | | |--Patrick MANNIX | | __ | | |_Mary VAUGHAN _______| | |__
[146] The bride was dressed in black because her mother died 17/4/1888
_Robert MIDDLEBY ____+ | (1825 - 1868) _Joseph MIDDLEBY ____| | (1846 - 1913) m 1867| | |_Matilda ATKINSON ___ | | |--Robert MIDDLEBY | (1885 - ....) | _Robert DUNLOP ______ | | (1819 - ....) |_Adelaide DUNLOP ____| (1852 - 1931) m 1867| |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ (1817 - 1867)
[40] Birth Reg No.30509
[42] Death Reg No.3996
[43] Methodist Cemetery. Sandgate. NSW He is burried in the same grave as his parents Joseph and Adelaide