Lillian Grace Louisa ARMSTRONG


7 Jul 1894 - 3 Feb 1977

Father: Robert ARMSTRONG
Mother: Louisa OSBORNE

Family 1 : David Dunlop MIDDLEBY
  1.  Robert Joseph MIDDLEBY
  2.  David Dunlop MIDDLEBY
  3.  Samuel MIDDLEBY
  4. +Joan MIDDLEBY
  5.  Joseph William MIDDLEBY
  6.  Douglas MIDDLEBY
Family 2 : Richard Alfred SAWYER

 _Robert ARMSTRONG ___|
|  m 1879             |
|                     |_____________________
|--Lillian Grace Louisa ARMSTRONG 
|  (1894 - 1977)
|                      _Samuel OSBORNE _____
|                     | (1832 - 1864)       
|_Louisa OSBORNE _____|
  (1861 - 1918) m 1879|
                      |_Susan LAWRENCE _____+
                        (1838 - 1903)       


[132] She made her own wedding gown possibly for her marraige to David Dunlop Middleby.
These notes were taken from Lillian's Diary for 1968 which was written on a small memo pad.
It starts on Sunday 30 June 1968 and there are lots of references of that "nobody called"
Friday 5 July: Recd chq from McConnell solicitor & request to comein & sign discharge of mortgage (which by the way is not due until 23 Sept.)
Saturday 6 July: Mary, Doug, Joan & Kelly & Jody called in to show me their pretty little dressing gown. Mary made them & brung me a piece of their birthday cake, they were happy little things & looked so pretty
Sunday 7 July: My birthday to-day 74. Joan (dear thing she is) came over to say Happy Birthday & gave me two lovely warm nighties & 2 pair of slippers& stay & had tea with us. Later Sam & Norma came in for the same purpose & brought me a nice copper kettle & stayed & had supper & left about 11pm. They both seemed well.
It is cold & raining outside tonight.
Sunday 14 July: Another cold day. I stayed in bed late as my leg was a bit achy. Collin came up & talked to Dick fora while & put a new valve in Telly, we paid him 18/6 for valve. None of my family came. Dick took another bad turn & altogether it was a pretty miserable day.
Monday 15 July: Another cold day, I wish Joan is well enough to come over & come to town to McConnell's with me to sign mortgage to get rid of Hardes debt for Speers Point house (that will be the last lump sum of money I ever get in the rest of my life) Lorna came in for a while at 6.30pm
Tuesday 16 July: Joan & I went up to McConnels Solicitors for me to sign mortgage from me to Hardes for Speers Pt house & bought some lily bulbs
Friday 19 July: Young Les came over to tell us his mum taken bad with food poisoning (from eating curried prawns in town) its a dull cold day
Saturday 20 July Cherrie came over to bring a note from Joan, she's over her food poisoning trouble, but has terrible pains in her left side.
Friday 2 August: Beautiful bright day but strong westerly wind. Haven't seen Joan for a long time 2 or 3 weeks. Hope she's alright
Monday 5 August: Ross & Donna's baby girl born 1/2 past 6 this morning.
Joan & I went in taxi over to see Doug's Factory. It's wonderful & he made a good move when he got that property (next to Tighes Hill Bridge) He gave us a lift into Ncl Hospital where Joan had to get her tablets from the dispensary. Then we went down to book her & Mrs Harvey's seat in the Flyer next Monday & then walked thro the town had a vety enjoyable outing
Tuesday 6 Aug: Joan's 49th Birthday to-day. sent her a casrd but so far did not get her a present. It's an unbearably cold day
Saturday 10 Aug: Cold windy sunny day but miserably quiet. WEe seldom have anyone call to see us & Dick is not well & sita quite & moping all day. It's very hard to tolerate this lonely useless life.
Monday 12 August: Ross & Donna's baby girl's birth notice in the Morning Herald "Tracey-Lee" (weighed 6 1/2 lbs) It's a dull cold miserable day. Young Less called, he is home with a cold, his mum is in Sydney for her examination. June Wallace brought rent up to me as Mr Hemming didn't call, I gave her a receipt for same
Wednesday 4 Sept: A lovely sunny day. Mary & Les Snr called to bring me a bird stand from Joyce Mejer's place. I finnished hanging my washing out & got it all dry & ironed. (Les says Joan not well)
Thursday 5 Sept: Ron Edwards came in to tell us Eliza passed away yesterday morning ( being Cremated Friday 6 Sept at 11.15am
Thursday 12 Sept: Had a letter from Joan they have been having a very worrying time. Les Snr has very bad knee went to Hospital Out-Patients. ordered him a fortnight off work but he won't obey them. Joan not very well herself. Mary & Doug had a fire at their house. Bright windy day here today. our little canary still hasn't started to whistle. Nobody called. I sent my insurances for house etc.
Saturday 28 Sept: Recd McConnell's shq in settlement of Hardes mortgage of Speer Pt cottage (Joe's Birthday)
Sunday 13 Oct: Nice day. Sam & Norma called to take us over to see Demonstration House, but I couldn't go too bad a backache. Young Sam is trying to start on his own building fibreglass surfboards etc.
Wednesday 4 Dec: Been raining through last night & today. Accident on our corner, panel van nearly tipped over & ran right up to our footpath. This is the last entry until Feb 1st having missed out the last two months on a/c of being ill in Hospital.
1969 Feb 1st 1969 I came home from St Vincents Private Hospital, where I'd been for 8 weeks. underwent Radium Treatment twice & then had big operation for Histeractomy, but got on very well & am home & feel pretty good, cannot do any heavy work as yet but my family was extra kind to me & one or the other of them stayed down in Sydney all the time in a flat Davey & Sammy paid for (which was so very wonderful of them) & I shall be ever thankful & I thank god for such a wonderful family. Ross called later.
Feb 9th: Esma called to see me. Dulcie & Joan came & gave the place a good cleaning. It was raining. Doug popped in & had a cuppa with us
Thursday 6th March: Dick's Birthday 67. It's a nice day a bit cloudy but no rain.
Saturday 15 March: A very dull morning.Joan says will come over Monday to go up & book seats on Flyer to go to Sydney with me to visit DrThong, as per appointment. Bought 5-5-0 worth medicines & ointments
18th March, Tuesday; Joan came down to Sydney in Flyer with me to consult Dr Thong (which was 6 weeks after operation)
She was very bad down there. Mary met us at Hamilton on our return home & Joan was ordered in Mater same night (18th) with pnemonia. Mary called (19th) 9 am & we went up & seen her, then went & told my Doug & went & seen Aunty Bella & she gave us some slips out of her fernery. I'm going up with Joan's Doug to night to see Joan. I received a chq for rwnt from C & R this morning. up to last Saturday. Young June & John have been away from her for 1 week may be sick.
cont. Joan & i arrived in Sydney at 1/2 past nine & had to pass our time looking thru DJ's & over to Hyde Park, she was very sick & got medicine made up. We saw Dr Thong & he said I was doing well & to come down to see him in June. Joan became so ill that Les had to get her off to MaterHospital at 10.30pm & now she's in there very bad with pnemonia & exhaustion, poor little thing, I wish she hadn't came to Sydney with me
Thursday 20 March: went up again to see Joan, and found her worse
Friday 21 March: went up to day & Joan looked just terrible, I wish she were better
Saturday 22 March: Mary & I went up twice to-day & Joan was so bad, she couldn't talk to us much & said she cannot stand on her legs, they had to hold her up to x-ray her, we went out to see Sam as he's got a dreadful cold, I hope he don't get pnemonia
Tuesday 8 April: Very quiet & very humid. Nobody called to see us. Joan came home from Mater Hospital
Tuesday 13 May: Joan & Les Snr gone down to Sydney in Flyer for her examination by drs.
Dorothy's brother-in-law had left leg & ankle compound fracture from accident where he works & is in Mater Hospital (name Max Hayter)
Wednesday 14 May: Les Jnr came in last night & his dad today to tell us about how they got on in Sydney, which was alright & Joan has to go down on 10th June for 11 am appointment & I have to go to Macquarie St Dr Thong on the same day at 2 pm
Wednesday 21 May: Pen chqs came. Dick had very bad fall in Hallway & hurt his face & left eye very badly on Radiogram corner. I got him to bed & he was very bad.
Saturday 7 June: Sam sent word they were having a important meeting & he could not take Joan & Me to Sydney so we went in the train. [ this next part seems to be for Tuesday 10 June] It was raining heavy all the way. I quiet enjoyed the trip, we had to wait a long time at Joans Dr at Cameron Wing of St Vincents & another long wait for Dr Thong. So we went straight up to Station & had tea. Mary met us at Hamilton Station & brought me home & took Joan home
Sunday 8 June: I had a favourable report from Dr Thong & havn't got to go back for four months, Joan's Dr want her down there every once a month for an examination
Tuesday 10 June: A rainy cold day both here & in Sydney Joan & I went to our Drs.
Sunday 15 June: Showed on Tely a big fir at Roselands Shopping Centre. To-day it is very dull & exceptionaly cold. Nobody called to see us
Tuesday 24 June: A glorious day Sunny & Cool. Bobby called to see if I'd go up to Nelson's Bay but I didn't feel like it. Joan called on her way home from town & had lunch with us. he looked not too bad but gets very short of breath when she comes up my steps.
Saturday 28 June 1969: Telephone man called in to test the line & says we may get the mechanic with the phone to install early next week. Young Cherrie (Joan's message girl) came in & stayed for hours & had lunch with us she a rather nice kid.
Friday 4 July: Lorna came in at news time & had a talk. Lyn is better now. Nesca came down to Joe's place with something, I thinks it was a recorder, whatever that is, he wouldn't tell me
Monday 7 July: My Birthday (75) Mary & Joan & Jodie came to say Happy Birthday. Doug, Lynette & Robyn came, Sam & Norma came. Joan brought me a lovely Telephone Index. Doug & Lyn & Robyn brought me nice slippers, little fin purse, stationary etc. Norma & Sam brought me a tea set
Tuesday 8 July: Technician came from P.M.G. & put our phone on. Its a lovely sunny day. little canary bird has started to sing now.
Wednesday 9 July: Bobby called in for a while. Mr Boyle came to fix Toilet, but couldn't & has to order a new Cistern. Its been a lovely bright day to-day. I got my final medical Benifits scheme, papoers back & $10 thats the last I have to get re my illness in St Vincents Private ospital from Dec 68 to Feb 69.
Saturday 12 July: Phone rang yesterday when Joan was here, it was from Mary, she said they rang me a couple of times (but I didn't hear the phone) Dixie took a sleeping pill & spent all day in bed, it was a dull quiet day (I went down & watered garden with "Thrive" some sort of liquid manure
Monday 14 July: Dixie rang Laundry (1st ring for us on the new Phone) dull cold day to-day
Friday 18 July: A dull quite day. Yound fellow brought my flower pots from Big W but forgot to bring the soil. Woman called wanting to buy antiques and old glass. Bobby sent her & I told her I buy them not sell them
Tuesday 22 July: Joan called to come up town & to Hospital re my appontment to see about my hand & arm to have sun spots removed (Sept) Dr Lacey called comming back in 3 weeks. Went to Gibb & Beeman re eyes, he said nothing could be done to right eye
Friday 25 July: Cold, sunny & dull day. Austronauts splashed down 2 am & are OK. I just finnished a pair woolen booties for June Wallaces' Baby.
Wednesday 6 Aug: Its Joan's Birthday to-day. I went in to D J's & ordered 2 pair of double bed sheets for her & 2 pair pillowslips for her birthday present. Joe came up fpr a minute, I was surprised, poor kid.
Friday 8 Aug: Sams twin boys birthday they are 19 yrs old & are celebrating up at Travelodge Motel along with the others, Ross & Norma, Susie & David & Sam & Girlfriend whilst Sam & Norma baby-sit to all their grand-children (Ross' 4 & David's 1)
Saturday 9 Aug: Douglas' Birthday to-day. It's a glorious day. Young Les came in & brought me a box of strawberries & some slips of Wisteria. Young Jodie has German Measels Joan didm't go down to Sydney last Monday. Joe came up & looked real good in a nice silky suit, he'd been out to Sam's place to arrange to buy a piece of ground from there, its at Teralba 500 pounds & as soon as he can he's going to build a Cedar House on it.
Tuesday 9 Sept: Sam, Norma, Les Snr & Joan & I left Newcastle for Sydney at 10 am got there at 20 mins to 2 pm. Sam & Norma looked around King's Cross whilst Joan, Les & I went to Macquarie St to Dr Thong he was pleased with my progress & said to ring up & make the next appointment in from 4 to 6 months. Called in to the Works at Bennets Green, the boys have a wonderful place there, then came home & had tea here (Fried Chicken) Dixie had been up & changed shoes
Wednesday 17 Sept: Robyn's Birthday tomorrow sending her & Lyn a nice card each. Joahn called in while & showed me the document he got back from the military to say he hadn't passed the medical & wasn't required to join up to go to Vietnam. I was overjoyed.
Friday 26 Sept: Went up to Nc Hospital to have skin infection (lump) removed by surgery (under local anaethetic) & had nine stiches inserted. Joan came up with me.
Sunday 28 Sept: Joe's Birthday (46) he came up & has the most terrible cold on chest. I wish he'd go & see the Drs. Sam & Norma came & I went out to Allan Branch Nursery with them & to their place & home here for tea. They bought a tree fern 2 wisteria vines & a Rhus tree they went home late about 12 midnight. Their place looks lovely the lawns are like green carpet
Wednesday 8 Oct: My eyesight is very bad this morning but I can see a little bit to write but am writing by random as I cannot see distinctly my writing.
Got our increased pension chqs ( from 22.30 to 25.10) Mary took same & a chq for 33- down to ANZ for me
Thursday 9 Oct: Very dull day. Joan may call late this aftrenoon, she leaves for Sydney early tomorrow morning, Less Snr is going down with her. Doug & Mary & kiddies called in at 6pm & took Joan home from here, she has to leave for Sydney at 7am Friday
Friday 10 Oct: Very dull day. My eyesight still bad impossible to read & am writing by feel not sight. Mary promised to ring Dr Waugh & make an appointment for me & Dixie. Dr Burgess came & perscribed for Dixie & gave me new perscriptions & said he thinks it's a blood vessel leading to the Retina blocked thats causing the loss of sight. Grew Petunia plants, hope they grow garden looks very pretty & was able to get a bunch from it.
Sunday 13 Oct (should be 12 Oct): Les Snr had lunch with us & rang Rene & Mary & ??? Rang Joan up & she has not seen the Dr yet. Young Les played the Champion of Champions at Merewether to-day - Didn't do any good too worried about his mother.
Monday 13 Oct: Mary came & took me to see Dr Waugh about my eyesight, and he have me a very bad report & didn't think he can do much for me. I have to go again Thursday & then up to him at Ncl Hospital. Monday 14 Oct ?: Les Jnr came & rang his mother & she said they are going to put the pacemaker in Tomorrow afternoon. We all hope & pray she gets over it & comes back home soon.
Tuesday 15 Oct: It's a lovely cool day to-day. I don't know if Les Snr & Jnr & Doug & Mary have gone down to be there when they operate on Joan. I think they have.
Wednesday 16 Oct 1969: Joan had new (Australian made) pacemaker inserted Tuesday 14 Oct & Mary & Dough & Young Les called in to tell us the good news that she had stood the operation well & Les Jnr & Mary rang up to tell me last night to tell me she's getting on good & they have her walking in the hall at hospital & she's doing very satisfactory
Thursday 17 Oct: Rainy this morning. I can hardly see to write, Mary is comming at 1/2 past 12 to take me to Dr Waugh & then up to him at Ncl Hospital. I hope I'll have a little better sight when he has treated me, it's very miserable like this. I just came back from Ncl Hospital Dr Waugh said sight no good to me (this is hard to make out) and to come back in a month.
Friday 18 Oct: Les Snr called in & had lunch with Dixie. I was in bed very sick, Dr Martin called & prescribed. Mary & the children came in for little gold basket to take flowers down to Joan tomorrow. Les Jnr, Mary & Kelly are going down. Its been a very rainy day to-day.
Monday 21 Oct: Mary & her mother went down to Sydney to see Joan, she is getting on good & hopes to come up to Mater in Ambulance to there a while. Les Jnr came in to see us.
Tuesday 22 Oct: Les Snr came over & went messages for us & then went home to cook young Les some tea. We are both very sick.
Wednesday 23 Oct: I took a terrible coughing fir at 2 am this morning & nearly choked. There was a terrible electric storm on at 1 am. Mary just called in & says the ambulance won't bring Joan up unless they have someone else for Newcastle & Mater said theres no beds & no private rooms there. Mary has promised to ring me back at noon to tell me how arrangements are going. Its a dull rainy day here & Dixie & I are very ill. Mary rang & asked for Dr BHurgess (only) to call on us. Joan arrived by ambulance at Mater 3.30 this afternoon, OK but tired. She got a private room. Young Les came in & told us. Dr Burgess didn't come to us as requested. I think I got asthma or bronchitus, short of breath at night thats awful last night my eyesight is terrible.
Thursday 24 Oct: Went up to Hospital to see Joan (she's pretty well) took her a lovely bunch of roses & carnations. Lift stuck when Mary, Janette Oliver & me were comming down, had to wait 25 mins to be freed. It's a lovely sunny day to-day, Dixie & I had Dr Lacey yesterday & he gave me capsules for heavy bronchitus & Dixie cough medicine. My eyes are awful. I cannot see much & just have to write by feel & squinting. Joan & Norma rang up Sam's sick in bed
Friday 25 Oct: A lovely sunny Spring day. I got my electricity Bill yesterday (over $60) & a bill for consultation with Dr Waugh $10 & one from Dr Thong $5. June showed us her little baby Joanne yesterday, she's a lovely little thing. I have some lovely gladoli coming out in my little garden. Dixie is sick. This is voting day but we cannot go, as we cannot see
Sunday 27 Oct: Had a ring from Sam, he's better now also had a ring from Joan, she's getting tired of Hospital
Tuesday 29 Oct: Les has taken Dixie up to Dr Waugh to see if he can do anything for his eyes. Joan is coming home from Mater Hospital to-morrow.
Wednesday 30 Oct: Joan went home from Mater to-day. Les took dixie up to Dr Waugh yesterday & got a perscription for 2 pair specs- reading & others
Sunday 2 Nov: Mary called & Kelly & Jodie, had been over to Joan's place said she's alright & is coming over for lunch tomorrow. Mary called totell me about good carpet one of her friends had for sale cheap, however I could not afford to get it. It's been a lovely fine day.
Monday 3 Nov: Joan & Mary & Jodie came over & had lunch with us, Joan looked a bit peeky and is tired. Davey & Brett called in about 7pm for about 1/4 hour. Davey had hurt himsaelf whilst mowing. Brett had just got over measels Miks June & Hdens two kiddies alsio had them.
Tuesday 4 Nove: Bright day. Rain Lover won the Melb Cup we watched it on Telly. My back is still bad also my eyes
Monday 10 Nov: Bright cool day, very pleasant. Joe came up at tea time to tell us about his new house going to be built soon, he's been working hard preparing the ground
Thursday 13 Nov: It's a very dull rainy day. Dixie is not at all well & neither am I. Joan is comingover to come up to Dr Waugh's with me re eyes. Went up & was kept waiting nearly 2 hours on hard bench (nearly Petrified). I don't like Dr Waugh & his terribly glum, won't talk, He hasn't much hope for my sight says arteries leading to eyes are just worn out from age. I'm trying to write this thru magnifying glass, it's terrebly wavy
Friday 14 Nov: Dixie's going up to Gibb & Beeman now to get his specs. Joan is going to meet him up there & help him & then come home in taxi with him. Dixie just came home from Gibb & Beeman with his new specs but htey told Joan it was absolutely redicoulous him getting any specs as his eyes are done & there's nothing they can do for him. Glasses $15. Douglas just rang up to ask how we were & said John just came back from Sydney with a new car he bought down there so Doug rang off in a hurry to go out in front of his office & have a look at John's new car.
Monday 17 Nov: It's 1/2 past 11 am & the sun is shining at last. I busy vacuming thru. Young Les did splendidly at Golf at the week-end & was written up big in Ncl Herald.
Friday 21 Nov: Norma rang to tell us Sam had a nasty accident, and was helping Young Sam to move his Fibre-glass machinery to another part of the Mill & unscrewed some part of it when it exploded in his face & damaged his good eye, it didn't enter the Retina or Pupil but burnt & blistered his white of the eye. Les Snr called in here on his way home from Owens
Monday 24 Nov: Norma rang to tell us Sam's eye is getting better & he's gone back to work to-day & has to go into Dr Dunlop sometime to-day. It a lovely sunny cool day
Tuesday 25 Nov: Cyril, Beverly & children (Julie & Richard) came to visit at 10 am and left before 12 noon to travell straight thru to Queensland 700 miles. Sam & Norma came & had late lunch & tea with us. Sam's eye is much better now & he can see fairly well. Bobby rang up to see how we were. Doug's John came in while Sam & Norma was here. Sam went down to look at John's new Valian Pacer.
Wednesday 26 Nov: Quiet Sunny day. Was talking to Joe he was taking a Cedar house to Parramatta, Sydney. He said they have got his house at Teralba to Lock-up stage & they will soon be leaving here to live in Teralba.
Saturday 29 November 1969: This Voting day for Yes or No for Sunday Hotel Trading. Wer'e not going over to vote. Esma & Lorna called in Robyn & Glad had just gone home. We didn't go to vote. Norma rang up to ask how we were.
Friday 5 Dec: Sam's David brought Norma & young Kim here from town to wait for Sam to come out. Ross called with little Tracey to get Kim before tea. Sam & Norma stayed to tea & left about 10pm. Sam's eye is OK again. Joe came up while they were here. It's a lovely bright day & cool.
Sunday 7 Dec: Sam & Norma called & took me out to see where Joe is building & then to Bolton Pt, we were speaking to Mrs Mcmahon she's been home ill 2 months. Alwyn Hudson's wife has just brought home her 9th child, so mrs M was saying. We went in to see display of wallpapers etc at Town Office & then into resturant to have tea & back home @ 9pm.
Monday 8 Dec: Les Snr called in said Joan not tooo good..
Thursday 10 Dec: Joan came u to Hospital with me to see Dr Waugh re my eyes (which are no better) We went over to casualty to get fluid drained from my right elbow & went down on my ankle & they had to bring a wheel chair out and cart me into Hospital however later on I could walk still sore now
These notes were taken from Lillian's Diary for 1968 which was written on a small memo pad.

[130] Birth Reg No.23185

[131] Mater Hospital Newcastle

[235] St James, Wickham NSW

[245] Reg No. 13669

[128] [S4] Lillian (Armstrong) Sawyer

[129] [S7] NSW BDM's

[244] [S7] NSW BDM's



____ - AFTER 1864

Family 1 : Robert MIDDLEBY
  1. +Joseph MIDDLEBY


[224] IGI Batch No.M701611 Source Call No.0101265 film

[223] [S21] IGI


Alfred E EALES

____ - ____

Family 1 : Florence Annabella DUNLOP





1865 - 1928

Father: Samuel OSBORNE
Mother: Susan LAWRENCE

Family 1 : Henrietta MCWHIRTER

 _Samuel OSBORNE _____|
| (1832 - 1864)       |
|                     |_____________________
|--William OSBORNE 
|  (1865 - 1928)
|                      _Luke LAWRENCE ______
|                     | (.... - 1883)       
|_Susan LAWRENCE _____|
  (1838 - 1903)       |
                      |_unknown ____________


[142] William Osborne Farmed in the Manning River District and later at Dondingalong
near Kempsey.


Charles PEARCE

____ - ____

Family 1 : Emily F MIDDLEBY
  1.  Margaret PEARCE
  2.  William PEARCE
  3.  Leslie PEARCE
  4.  Joseph V PEARCE