_____________________ | _Robert DUNLOP ______| | (1819 - ....) | | |_____________________ | | |--Mary DUNLOP | (1844 - 1916) | _Joseph MIDDLEBY ____ | | (1790 - 1824) |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __| (1817 - 1867) | |_Ann ________________
[10] Presbyterian Cemetery Wallsend NSW
[11] Migrated "David McIver" to Australia with family
Newcastle Morning Herald 7 December, 1916\N.S.W. Australia. Records provided
__ | _Luke LAWRENCE ______| | (.... - 1883) | | |__ | | |--Susan LAWRENCE | (1838 - 1903) | __ | | |_unknown ____________| | |__
Susan emigrated in 1858 on the ship 'FitzJames' with her parents , husband
Samuel Osborne and infant son Samuel. After the death of her husband Samuel
in 1864 she subsequently re-married, her second husband being William Gill of
Jones Island, Manning River, near Taree, N.S.W. Australia.
[139] migrated with Family on "FitzJames"
_____________________ | _George LITTLE ______| | m 1896 | | |_____________________ | | |--George LITTLE | (1896 - ....) | _Joseph MIDDLEBY ____+ | | (1846 - 1913) m 1867 |_Adelaide MIDDLEBY __| (1875 - 1913) m 1896| |_Adelaide DUNLOP ____+ (1852 - 1931) m 1867
[113] Birth Reg No.36058