_John Henry BROWN ___ | _Raynor Gordon BROWN _| | (1893 - 1956) | | |_Sophia MANNING _____ | | |--Kathleen BROWN | (1930 - ....) | _Thomas James BATES _+ | | (1867 - 1917) |_Alma BATES __________| (.... - 1982) | |_Sarah FAIRS ________+ (1874 - ....)
Kathleen's birth certificate (which is in her possesion) shows that witnesses
to the registration of birth was a Dr.C.W.Thompson and a Nurse Hough. And also
that Kathleen was not present at the registration of birth.
[179] 20 Bibby St. HAMILTON. N.S.W.
_____________________ | _James CUTHBERTSON __| | (1833 - 1902) m 1864| | |_____________________ | | |--Agnes. J. CUTHBERTSON | (1867 - ....) | _Robert DUNLOP ______ | | (1819 - ....) |_Mary DUNLOP ________| (1844 - 1916) m 1864| |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ (1817 - 1867)
[69] Reg No. 13258
[239] Reg No. 7313
_Robert DUNLOP ______ | (1819 - ....) _David DUNLOP _______| | (1848 - 1938) m 1869| | |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ | (1817 - 1867) | |--Geraldine M DUNLOP | (1892 - ....) | _Allan FAULDS _______ | | |_Margaret FAULDS ____| (1849 - 1916) m 1869| |_Jessie YOUNG _______
_________________________________ | _Leslie OLIVER ______| | (1917 - 1991) m 1938| | |_________________________________ | | |--Douglas OLIVER | (1940 - ....) | _David Dunlop MIDDLEBY __________+ | | (1894 - ....) m 1913 |_Joan MIDDLEBY ______| (1919 - ....) m 1938| |_Lillian Grace Louisa ARMSTRONG _+ (1894 - 1977) m 1913
[159] Mater Hospital Newcastle