_Robert DUNLOP ______ | (1819 - ....) _Joseph DUNLOP ______| | (1837 - ....) m 1875| | |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ | (1817 - 1867) | |--David DUNLOP | (1876 - 1876) | _____________________ | | |_Eliza LAMBERT ______| m 1875 | |_____________________
[54] NSW BDM Death Reg No. 7424/1877 could have been Stillborn.
_Lott MANNIX ________ | (1812 - 1873) _Lot MANNIX _________| | (1848 - 1912) | | |_Mary VAUGHAN _______ | | |--Lot J MANNIX | (1878 - 1928) | _____________________ | | |_Minnie WILSON ______| | |_____________________
[247] Reg No. 2213
_Joseph MIDDLEBY ____+ | (1846 - 1913) m 1867 _David Dunlop MIDDLEBY __________| | (1894 - ....) m 1913 | | |_Adelaide DUNLOP ____+ | (1852 - 1931) m 1867 | |--Joan MIDDLEBY | (1919 - ....) | _Robert ARMSTRONG ___ | | m 1879 |_Lillian Grace Louisa ARMSTRONG _| (1894 - 1977) m 1913 | |_Louisa OSBORNE _____+ (1861 - 1918) m 1879
Joan was one of the first person in Australia to have a pacemaker inserted to
assist her heart to beat. she has since had two more installed, the latest
having wires out side her chest so that alterations can be made as well the
battery to be charged.
[249] Reg No. 20997 Islington (Wickham) NSW
_____________________ | _George SMITH _______| | (.... - 1883) m 1861| | |_____________________ | | |--George SMITH | (1870 - ....) | _Robert DUNLOP ______ | | (1819 - ....) |_Anne Jane DUNLOP ___| (1840 - ....) m 1861| |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ (1817 - 1867)