_Robert DUNLOP ______ | (1819 - ....) _Joseph DUNLOP ______| | (1837 - ....) m 1875| | |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ | (1817 - 1867) | |--Selina DUNLOP | (1878 - 1879) | _____________________ | | |_Eliza LAMBERT ______| m 1875 | |_____________________
[56] NSW BDM Reg No. 7646/1879 show her name as Lea.
_Joseph MIDDLEBY ____+ | (1846 - 1913) m 1867 _David Dunlop MIDDLEBY __________| | (1894 - ....) m 1913 | | |_Adelaide DUNLOP ____+ | (1852 - 1931) m 1867 | |--Joseph William MIDDLEBY | (.... - 2000) | _Robert ARMSTRONG ___ | | m 1879 |_Lillian Grace Louisa ARMSTRONG _| (1894 - 1977) m 1913 | |_Louisa OSBORNE _____+ (1861 - 1918) m 1879
Joseph William Middleby was born 28 Sep 1923 at Tenterfield. He left Wickham School at the age of 14 and went to work for his Grandfather Robert Armstrong' who owned a Timber Mill at Carrington in partnership with Royce. After some years he left to obtain employment at McIntyre's Flour Mill at Hamilton where he stayed for some years.
Joe had a love for horse all of his life and nothing was dearer to his heart than to go into the high country and help bring in brumbies to be broken in. He also owned a number of horses during his lifetime.
Joe Married Dorothy Alma BROWN 17 Aug 1942 and then entered the Army unwillingly the next day. He arranged to sneek away after just six weeks by suffering an injury requiring Hospitalisation and absconding from there having made prior arrangements with Dorothy to have civilian clothes with her when she visited him. He spent the war years hiding from the Military Police whenever they came looking for him.
Military Service Records received October 2001
Mobilization Attestation Form
Army No. N284287 Surname:- MIDDLEBY Christian Names:- William Joseph
Enlisted for war service:- Newcastle, NSW Date:- 10/2/42
Born:- Tenterfield, NSW. British Subject Age:-18 Date of Birth:- 1923. 28.9.23
Occupation:- Lorry Drivers Assistant Are you married, single or widower? (Single, crossed out) Married
No previous military service. Next of Kin:- Middleby Dorothy, 3 Cole St, Islington. Relationship:- Wife
Religious Denomination:- C.E. All education questions answered as No. Has been convicted in a Civil Court in Newcastle for a Traffic Offence. Signed :- J.middleby
His Medical Examination showed that he was fit for Class II A on 10/2/42 . The examining offer was shown as J Rutherford.
He swore the Oath of Enlistment on 10 Feb 1942 Attesting Officer W Storer JP
Taken on strength 22/8/42 GDP, pay to commence from 18/8/42
24/8/42 taken on strength L.T.Bn. 22/9/42 trabsfered to 18 Aust Labor Coy.
2/10/42 he was admitted to Newcastle Dist Hospital, No Abnormality Detected.
Joe cannot read or write.
Joe in his lifetime was a Horseman, Timber Mill Hand, Flour Mill Labourer at McIntyre's Flour Mill at Hamilton, since demolished, and Lorry Driver.
He became a lorry driver for his two elder brothers, David and Samuel Middleby, who had a Timber Business at Salt Ash and later he moved with the business to Bennet's Green, a suburb of Newcastle, where the business was known as Middleby Brothers and made pre-fabricated cottages which Joe delivered to various places around Northern N.S.W.
At 60 years of age Joe retired to his home at Teralba. Joe was keen fisherman even when he was very ill he said that he would still love to try to go for a fish.
Joe was diagnosed with cancer in 1991. An early operation seemed to have caught it all but in 1999 he had an operation where they opened him up, had a look, and then sewed him up again. As soon as he was up on his feet they packed up his clothes and sent him home. His brother-in-law Aldo Florian was asked to pick him up and found him sitting outside the Hospital on the footpath.
It is thought that his doctor did not carry out proper pain management in the later part of his life but Joe Suffered in silence. He became very ill on Saturday 5 February 2000 and was taken by Ambulance to the Mater Hospital, Waratah, where he passed away a few hours later.
At about the time of his passing, Kathie, Joe's sister-in-law who was in the John Hunter Hospital recovering from a broken hip, dream't that Joe visited her in Hospital looking as he was when he was at his very younger best to say good-bye.
His funeral was held on 10 February 2000 which was attended by about 60 family members and friends. His remains were cremated. The ashes were kept by his wife Dorothy and placed in the coffin with her when she passed away. Together they are buried in the Sandgate Cemetery on 25 March 2001.
Following is a poem written by his sister Joan Oliver and read by the officiating Minister:-
I met Him in the forest of my thoughts
Walking on the wind.
That clothes the trees
With joy and conquest, peace was all about,
His love was in His greeting of no words
Walking on the wind.
That clothes the trees
Of kindness, patience, gentleness about.
His invitation heard to with Him
Walking on the wind.
That clothes the trees
His trustfulness, His goodness all about.
And from the forest of my thoughts I was
Walking on the wind.
That clothes the trees
Captured by His love, the quiet all about.
One now, we share the silence of love
Borne on the wind.
Away from earthbound thoughts
Where "Glory! Glory! Sings of who He is
And what His love is all about.
Joe's favourite song was sung by Jim Nabours -The Green Green Grass of Home.
The service closed with the Hymn "Amazing Grace"
[152] Joe in his lifetime was a Horseman, Timber Mill Hand, Flour Mill Labourer at McIntire Flour Mill Hamilton since demolished, and Lorry Driver.
[151] Joe's ashes were placed in the coffin with his wife Dorothy and buried at Wallsend Cemetery
Dorothy and Joe were maried by Mr, Davies J.P. Maitland Road Islington 3 days before Pearl's birth.
Reg No. 26212
Certificate of Marriage No.156 No. 584577
Wedding Certificate
_____________________ | _George SMITH _______| | (.... - 1883) m 1861| | |_____________________ | | |--Jessy SMITH | (1873 - ....) | _Robert DUNLOP ______ | | (1819 - ....) |_Anne Jane DUNLOP ___| (1840 - ....) m 1861| |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ (1817 - 1867)