_John Henry BROWN ___ | _Raynor Gordon BROWN _| | (1893 - 1956) | | |_Sophia MANNING _____ | | |--Thomas James BROWN | (1926 - 1950) | _Thomas James BATES _+ | | (1867 - 1917) |_Alma BATES __________| (.... - 1982) | |_Sarah FAIRS ________+ (1874 - ....)
[175] Lindsay St. Hamilton. NSW
[178] Wallsend Cemetery Church of England section. Tommy's grave is at the end of the row, two up from his grandparents, Thomas Bates and Sarah (Fairs)
The City of Newcastle Property Office and Church of England Cemetery Map. Researched by William Halbesma
[177] See Bates Family Tree
_Robert DUNLOP ______ | (1819 - ....) _David DUNLOP _______| | (1848 - 1938) m 1869| | |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ | (1817 - 1867) | |--Florence Annabella DUNLOP | (1876 - ....) | _Allan FAULDS _______ | | |_Margaret FAULDS ____| (1849 - 1916) m 1869| |_Jessie YOUNG _______
[85] St Johns Cooks Hill NSW
_Lot MANNIX _________+ | (1848 - 1912) _Lot J MANNIX __________| | (1878 - 1928) m 1912 | | |_Minnie WILSON ______ | | |--John Edmund MANNIX | (1916 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Thyra Amelia PETERSON _| (.... - 1971) m 1912 | |_____________________