_John Henry BROWN ___ | _Raynor Gordon BROWN _| | (1893 - 1956) | | |_Sophia MANNING _____ | | |--Dorothy Alma BROWN | (1922 - 2001) | _Thomas James BATES _+ | | (1867 - 1917) |_Alma BATES __________| (.... - 1982) | |_Sarah FAIRS ________+ (1874 - ....)
[162] He lived at Sans Souci about 11 Oct 1989
[160] 29 Blackalls St, Hamilton. N.S.W.( Aust)
[161] Wallsend Cemetery NSW
Dorothy and Joe were maried by Mr, Davies J.P. Maitland Road Islington 3 days before Pearl's birth.
Reg No. 26212
Certificate of Marriage No.156 No. 584577
Wedding Certificate
__ | _Allan FAULDS _______| | | | |__ | | |--Margaret FAULDS | (1849 - 1916) | __ | | |_Jessie YOUNG _______| | |__
[80] C of E Cemetery Sandgate NSW with her husband David
[226] Presbyterian Church Newcastle NSW
There are entries on I.G.I. discs for Sophias around the right time.
Christening in 1837 in Worchester. Father Samuel Freeman,1808.p.John Freeman.
Birth 1847 & Christening 1847 in Worchester. Father Hames Freeman. It appears that the latter of these may be right person.
[260] Marriage Reg No. 2607 she may have been only 15 years of age.
_____________________ | _William WALLACE ____| | (1861 - ....) m 1874| | |_____________________ | | |--Ruby F WALLACE | (1887 - ....) | _Robert DUNLOP ______ | | (1819 - ....) |_Emily Lloyd DUNLOP _| m 1874 | |_Margaret MIDDLEBY __+ (1817 - 1867)